Like an informant in a `70s detective show, data broker sites like Veripages are essentially a one-stop shop for finding personal information. These sites collect public information to create individual profiles on us. This wealth of information is easily available and very popular with marketers, who use personal information to reach potential leads. Data broker sites are also popular with scammers, who can use personal information to steal identities or trick targets into giving them money.
While there is some merit to being on Veripages—such as an increased ability to be found by long-lost relatives—we recommend opting out of data broker sites to protect both your privacy and identity. The process isn’t straightforward, and that’s on purpose: Veripages makes money off posting your personal information. Follow this easy guide and you can have your information down in just a few days. You can also use an automated data removal service like Incogni to ensure your information comes down—and stays down.
FYI: For a deep dive on services like Veripages, check out our 2025 Guide to Data Removal Services.
What Is Veripages?
Veripages is a company that gathers publicly available information on individuals to create profiles that it posts on its website in the form of a searchable database. Veripages and data broker sites like it monetize this information through advertisements, affiliate links, and subscriptions.
Compared to other data broker sites we’ve used, Veripages is relatively bare bones. It still mostly works the same: Enter the name of the person you’re trying to find and the city where you think they live. Veripages then produces a few profiles that match. You get some very basic information from those profiles (age, phone numbers, addresses, etc.), compared to other sites like TruePeopleSearch that also display email addresses, possible business associates, and even relatives. However, there are buttons to get a full report, but these buttons send you to BeenVerified, a background check website that apparently has business ties to Veripages.
The relative lack of information is good news for people who want to protect their privacy, but we still recommend opting out of Veripages. While you’re at it, you should probably opt out of BeenVerified as well.
Incogni makes it easy to search for your sensitive information and remove it from the internet.
How Do I Opt Out of Veripages?
Start the process by going to the Veripages website and searching for yourself using your name, city, and state. Veripages will then produce a page of search results that should include a profile with your information. Find the profile that best matches you and click “View Full Profile.”
You should be taken to a profile page that prominently shows your name, age, city where you live, address, and other information. When we did this, some of our information was out of date, but it all looked familiar. If the profile you click doesn’t look familiar at all, go back to the results page and click on a different profile that seems to match your information. Once you have found the profile you want removed, copy the URL out of the address bar in your web browser.
Next, go to the opt-out page on the Veripages website and paste the URL in the “Profile URL” text box. You also need to enter your full name and your email address before clicking the button to submit your opt-out request.
Go to the inbox for the email address you provided and open the confirmation email from Veripages. If you don’t see one in there, check your spam folder. Click on the link in the email and you should be sent to a confirmation page that lists a tracking ID for your request.
That should complete the opt-out process. Be aware that it might take up to four days to see your profile taken down from the site. If it’s still up after a week, you should contact Veripages.
Pro Tip: Check out these other areas online where you should be opting-out.
What Happens Once I Opt Out of Veripages?
According to Veripages, your information will be taken down within four days of submitting an opt-out request. When we opted out, it took less than 24 hours. However, that doesn’t mean it won’t reappear in the future.
Data broker sites are continually scouring public records for new information, and when new records are published any useful information found there will be added to the database. This means, if you get married or buy a home, the associated public record might be picked up by Veripages. The company would then create a new profile for your name using the newly published information. This means you should regularly check Veripages and other data broker sites even after you have opted out of them. We suggest checking every six to 12 months.
>> More Opt Outs: How to Opt Out of IDTure
Use Data Removal Services to Opt-Out of Veripages
If you shudder at the thought of checking data removal sites every six months and completing opt-out requests when you find your information, you should know there is a better way.
For a subscription fee, data removal services will handle the initial and follow-up processes for you. In addition to paying the fee, you need to provide your personal information to the service. These services will start by filling out initial data removal requests, and report back to you when those requests have been confirmed. Data removal services will then follow up periodically to ensure your information is being kept off of data broker sites.
FYI: There are a few different data removal services to choose from, and we’ve made a list of the best data removal services out there.
Why Should I Opt-Out of Veripages?
Simply put, Veripages and websites like it are the main port of call for marketers and scammers because they are pretty accurate. By comparison, if someone’s trying to find you on social media, they might have a hard time confirming your identity, especially if you have a common name.
Opting out of Veripages and other data broker sites increases your privacy, and this translates to a number of benefits:
- Lower risk of identity theft: If someone wants to steal your identity, it’s a lot easier for them if they know your name, address, date of birth, phone number, and more. You can also keep your identity safe with our guide to identity theft protection.
- Fewer unsolicited communications: A less nefarious, but still troubling, use for data broker sites is searching for potential sales leads. If you run a business or you’re a key decision-maker at your job, you’ll want to opt out of Veripages to minimize the amount of cold calls and emails you’ll receive.
- Protection against stalkers: data broker sites are also a good resource for stalkers, and the few minutes it takes to opt-out is worth it to protect yourself against disturbed individuals.
Staying anonymous online by opting out of data broker sites might seem like an antiquated idea, but we always recommend it because the benefits far outweigh the advantages of having high visibility.
Pro Tip: Check out our handy guide on how to remove your address from the internet.
Final Thoughts on Opting Out of Veripages
As we said, Veripages isn’t the biggest data broker out there, but it’s still worth opting out of, whether you do it manually or through a data removal service. Actually, the fact that your information appears at a lesser-known site like Veripages suggests you should probably go with a service that covers the dozens of sites that are out there right now, and countless sites that could pop up in the future. Incogni is our top pick for data removal services, but we recommend checking out a few different ones to see which features and price points speak to you. In particular, we suggest also checking out Kanary and Optery.
>> More Opt Outs: How to Opt Out of Nuwber
Veripages FAQs
Can Veripages sell my information?
Because the information gathered by Veripages is publicly available, the company is technically selling its aggregation services, not access to your information.
Does opting out of Veripages permanently remove my information?
No, if you opt out of Veripages, it only removes the information currently on file. If your information pops up in a new public record, Veripages can collect that and repost a file on you. This is why we recommend using a data removal service that continually checks data broker sites for your information.
How do I verify my identity to opt out of Veripages if I no longer have access to their contact methods?
If Veripages has your correct address and other information, but not the phone number and email address, you should contact the company directly to confirm your data removal request.
Do I need to pay to opt out of Veripages?
No. You can opt-out for free by following the instructions above.
How can I stop Veripages from collecting my information?
Veripages collects data from publicly available sources, so the company isn’t doing anything illegal. Data removal services can quickly remove your information if it gets reposted.